Friday, December 7, 2012


If you own animals long enough, sooner or later you'll confront an emergency health crisis.  Prior to being consumed by the hustle and bustle of any Holiday Season; we urge you to prepare for a medical emergency affecting your dog, cat or horse.

You must know how to recognize serious problems and promptly take the appropriate action.  Preparation is vital when confronted with a medical emergency.  No matter what situation may face, mentally rehearse the steps you'll take to avoid letting panic take control.  

Follow Badger Veterinary Hospital's guidelines to help you prepare for a medical emergency.
  • Keep your veterinarian's number by each phone, including how the practice can be reached after hours.  
  • Do you have a first aid kit? Consult with your veterinarian regarding preparation of a species appropriate kit. First aid kits can be simnple or elaborate.  Regardless, make sure family members know where the kit is.
  • Many veterinary practices provide after-hours emergency care only to established clients; others don't provide after-hours emergency care and you may be referred to an emergency clinic in a distant location.  Ensure you clearly understand your veterinary practice's policy regarding emergency care prior to confronting an emergency health crisis with your animal.  
  • Consult with your veterinarian regarding a back-up veterinary practice in case your regular veterinarian cannot be reached quickly enough.
  • Record the names and contact numbers of nearby friends and neighbors who can assist in the event of an emergency. For exapmle, if your horse requires transport to a critical care facility and you are unable to haul the horse, have an alternate arrangement.
Badger Veterinary Hospital is a full-service practice, providing 24 hour emergency care, having provided emergency assistance to nearly 150 patients in the past 12 months.  Naturally, we strongly recommend establishing a relationship with our practice prior to a crisis.  We strive to provide routine health care and diagnostic screenings to minimize the occurrence of late-night emergencies!

Quick action can minimize the consequences of an injury or illness and as a Badger Veterinary Hospital client, you have the peace of mind knowing no matter what time of day your crisis occurs, our staff is here for you and your animals!

We are... Dedicated to the life and love of your pet!

Scott Spaulding, DVM    Steve Servantez, DVM    Kevin Kreier, DVM
BVH Owner                   BVH Owner                    BVH Owner